TMI Tuesday June 19, 2018

Hi there! Let’s play TMI Tuesday.

Take a Look at Me Now.

1. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still have that same worry or feel the same about it at this minute?
I guess I pretty much live in the moment because I can never remember in what year what happened. I'd guess that my biggest worry in 2013 was my husband's health concerns and I think though the concerns are different now, the worry is the same. I can't imagine my life without him.
2. Do you have a positive or negative body image? What factors contribute to your self body image?
a. advertisements
b. media and social media
c. comments from others
d. introspection and analysis of self
I think I have a pretty positive body image these days. The things I'm most affected by are comments from others and analysis of self. Plus I'm in great relationships with men I love and who love me and I'm at an age where I frankly don't give a fuck what the average person on the street cares about my body.
3. How confident are you as a person?
a. no confidence at all
b. confident around friends and family
c. confident at work, and in my job
d. very confident in my surroundings–work, social settings, with strangers
I suffer from some social anxiety but I'm pretty good at faking my way through it by this point. I'd say I'm pretty confident in my surrounds but if I'm not, you'll probably never know lol
4. How creative a person are you? Why?
a. not creative
b. average creativity
c. creative in some situations
d. very creative
I'm creative in some situations. Sometimes a creative bug will bite and I'll create all sorts of things, but then I go through a dry spell. If I have all the tools I need, the time and space to think and work, and the freedom to do what I want, I can be pretty creative.
5. Do you resent things being uncertain and unpredictable? Why?
a. agree
b. undecided or Don’t Know
c. disagree
Oh, I absolutely hate when things are uncertain. I need to know where I stand at all times! However, I don't mind the occasional bit of unpredictable, especially if it's really good!
Bonus: What do you wish you had invented?
Lots of times I've seen something and thought "why didn't I think of that" or "I did think of that, why didn't I do anything with the idea" but right now, I can't think of a single example to share. So I'll say, something that would've made me stinking rich by now :)
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!


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