Sleeping on the floor

I've been chatting with a new potential submissive partner lately. Last night before I crawled into my nice warm bed, (that I am in complete love with lately, by the way) I thought I'd send him a message to tell him to sleep naked, as a fun and easy show of submission.

At the last minute, I decided I was feeling a bit more on the sadistic side. And a little shaky in my confidence that people can actually be submissive when they're not getting orgasms in return, due to recent interactions with a man whose submission didn't exactly groove on the same wavelength as my dominance.

And so, instead of asking him to sleep in the nude, I sent a text telling him to make himself a pallet on the floor next to his bed and sleep there. Then I waited for his response. Since this is a relatively new interaction I figured I'd get one of three possible responses:

1. OMG, I'll go grab some nettles to sleep on. Are you sure you wouldn't rather chain me in the basement after throwing me down the stairs?!
2. Wait. What? Why?
3. Um, sure(???)

What I actually got was:

Zero hesitation. Zero question, other than one to understand the instruction.

Just obedience.

If submissive men knew what simple obedience does to a Domme they could rule the world!

Wait, they don't want to rule the world, nevermind.


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