Flashback - Sleeping on the floor

My recent experience with someone sleeping on the floor has me thinking about a few decades ago when I was still delusional and trying to be submissive.

As I've said before, I was very bad at it and constantly topped from the bottom and I think this floor sleeping story will illustrate that quite nicely.

I was shopping when I saw an area rug. It was a rectangle, around 2 X 3 feet, white and faux fur. I had been reading the Gor books and the slaves slept on furs in those books. (Well, I think most everyone slept on furs, but it's been 20 years, I don't really remember). Anyway, I immediately decided that I would buy this "fur" and sleep on the floor. But only for the time between my going to bed and John's going to bed, at which point he was to wake me up so I could get into bed.

So now that I had decided that I would, oh so submissively, sleep on the floor for an hour or so each night I had to figure out how to make it comfortable. I think I wound up with two heavy quilts folded to fit under the "fur", which made them thicker and softer, of course, a thick blanket to cover myself with, can't be cold down there while you suffer, after all, and an actual bed pillow. I think I may have had a stuffed animal also. Oh, and I was very close to the central air vent so I had a nice pleasant cool or warm breeze depending on the season.

Contrast that with my submissive partners sleeping on the bare hardwood floor or a makeshift collection of towels and you can see just how very submissive I was!


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