TMI Tuesday July 17, 2018

It's TMI Tuesday again!
And it's an extra answer kinda day again.
1. If each of your index fingers could spew a liquid for the rest of your life, what liquid(s) would it be.
Kat - That depends. Would it be constant and inconvenient ala King Midas or would it happen only when I wanted it to? If it's the latter I think water from one so I or anybody else I cared to share with, would never be thirsty. From the other, I have no idea . . . 
Schatzi - Water and milk... or apple juice. It's hard to decide.

Wulf - Scotch and black cherry kool-aid!
2. If you could talk to everyone in the world for 5 minutes, all at once, what would you say?
Kat - It's a pretty short message, really; maybe I'd just repeat it over and over again. "Stop being dicks to each other!"
Schatzi - Hi! Woof woof woof woof!

Wulf - Gro the fuck up!
3. Would you rather not be able to eat for a week OR not be able to _____ for a month?
Kat - This one is a little too easy. I can make it super easy by filling the blank with dig ditches and then it'd be a super easy choice.
Schatzi - I'd be able to have cummies instead of eating for a week.

Wulf - I would not swim for a month.
4. What exhilarates you?
Kat - This one is harder. Lots of things exhilarate me. To stay closest to the theme of this blog I'll say spending time and snuggling with my boys.
Schatzi - Mommy!

Wulf - Scotch and Black Cherry Kool-aid!
5. What is the best perk of your job? What is the best perk you have ever had at any job?
Kat - The best perk of my job right now is the ability to take time off when I need it to care for Wulf. The best perk of any job I've ever had is the ability to take a nap on the clock :P
Schatzi - There are zero perks to my job. 

Wulf - That I don't have a job and that's the best perk.
Bonus:  Just how naughty are you?
Kat - By whose estimation? Mine? Normal naughty, I guess, I don't really think of myself in those terms. To other people I might be super naughty, who knows?
Schatzi -  I'm never naughty! I good boy!

Wulf - Not very.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment on tmituesdayblog!
Happy TMI Tuesday!


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