TMI Tuesday June 12th 2018

It's TMI Tuesday again!!

1. If you were an ice-cream flavor, what would you be and why?
Rocky Road because it is a mix of different things and so am I.
2. What are the best sexy skills you bring to a sexual relationship?
I think I'm pretty good at reading my partner's reactions and figuring out what things they like best.
3. What is the single largest problem causing you angst in your romantic relationship (current or most recent relationship)?
Right now, Envy. #PolyProblems
4. What is the best part about being in a relationship with you?
I'm loyal and honest, love communication and I'll be touching you all the time.
5. What is the biggest misconception that people have about you?
I think people that know me in real life think I'm more chaste and innocent than I am.
Bonus:  When you look at old photos of yourself, do you like what you see?
Honestly? Sometimes. Depends on angle, lighting, flatteryness of clothing, etc.
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  1. Sorry to hear you're experiencing PolyProblems - I hope y'all sort yourselves out!


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