TMI Tuesday

1. Who was your favorite cartoon character as a child?
There are many, cartoons were a big deal back then. I suppose I'd have to pick He-Man. That cartoon got me, my first boyfriend, :P
2. What makes you cry?
I never used to cry but as I've let people into my life and taken down some of my walls I cry more easily. I cry at sad parts of movies, books, and shows, but I also cry when I'm angry which is incredibly frustrating because you can't yell and blow your nose at the same time!

3. What similarity between you and your significant other do you love?
I currently have two significant others. With Wulf, it's a love of nature and geekdom. With Schatzi, it's a love for cuddles and snuggles.

4. What characteristic do you admire in others that you feel you are lacking?
I admire people's ability to be outgoing, to make small talk with strangers. I have trouble making small talk with close friends, much less strangers.

5. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be?
No question, WORK!
Bonus: You can trade places with one person for a day, who would it be?
This is impossible to answer, as there are so many possibilities. I'd love to trade places with someone from another country, another financial bracket, another race, or even another sex to see exactly what their experience is like.

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