TMI Tuesday May 22nd 2018

1. If you had a whole week (no work, no kids) to do things with your significant other, what would you do?
Relax! Maybe camping together in a tent in the forest. Outdoor sex and coffee brewed over the campfire while we shiver in the morning. Maybe a luxurious hotel where we're pampered and massaged, take long hot baths and sit in the shade outside.
2. What is your idea of a long-term relationship?
I'm not sure I understand this question, it's sort of right there in the name lol  My idea of a long-term relationship is one that lasts for a long time.
3. What is a healthy relationship?
This one is easier. A healthy relationship is love trust and honesty. Sharing with your partner, caring about what they've got going on.
4. How did you meet your current (or last) lover?
One I met in an online chat room 20 years ago, the other I met through an ad on Fetlife.
5. What is the first thing you do after having sex?
Catch my breath! Snuggle up, fall asleep, or pee!
Bonus: Do you have any bad habits that you hide from your significant other? You can tell us…or not.
I have a habit of stopping by the store and getting myself something sweet and eating it before I get home or after he goes to bed so I don't have to share.


  1. #1 almost similar to the one I gave
    #5 ehehehe
    Bonus: hahahaha I feel you! I did that with my mom, when she was around I had to hide behind the shed or pool to eat cause she was always counting my calories or watching how many times I ate during that day!
    happy Tuesday

    1. ugg having my calories counted as a kid would've been horrible.


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